Friday, November 22, 2013

Blog post 1: Why Do I Read?


I have always loved reading. According to my mother, I was able to read children’s books on my own before I started kindergarten; and my fascination with books has only continued to grow. Bookstores are some of my favorite places because I love reading back covers and thinking about the endless amount of stories there are, and the smell of unread pages (do they have that scent at Bath and Body Works?). I think one of the reasons I enjoy reading so much is because books are capable of transporting you to another world. When I’m absorbed in a good book, I have no sense of time or awareness of what’s going on around me. It’s incredible how powerful words are, and how they evoke emotion. That’s another thing I love; reading something so well written, so moving, that I am legitimately in tears. I think being able to evoke emotions in strangers through your words is an incredible feat. The only other thing that comes to my mind when I think of reading is writing. I love writing just as much as reading, and I think the two balance each other out. The more I read, the better I write. Books like TFiOS have reminded me why I love reading so much, and have only further inspired me to work towards my goal of being a published and popular author. I'm so glad I found a passion for reading as early as I did; it's only ever made me happy.